Aghogho Odjada
2 min readNov 5, 2023

Witnet Weekly Recap: A Week of anniversary , Financial Backing, and Price Swings

Witnet Weekly Newsletter — October 30st to November 5th, 2023

Greetings, Witnet Community! Another exciting week has unfolded, filled with key updates and promising developments. From the celebration of bitcoin 15th anniversary to Price updates, we’ve got all the highlights for you. Let’s dive right in and explore the future of Witnet!

Week’s Highlights:

October 30th— "Bitcoin’s 15th Anniversary Celebrated with Gratitude by Witnet Official Account"

"On its 15th anniversary, Bitcoin was commemorated by Witnet’s official account, expressing gratitude for its creation.

Check out the tweet here:

October 30th— "Witnet Grants Funding for Phase 2 of Crodraw’s Project: Exciting Announcement"

On this day, Crodraw unveiled significant news as Witnet approved funding for their project, advancing it to Phase 2.

Check tweet here:

October 30th— "Simplicity: Witnet’s Roadmap Simplified into 0-4 Phases for Success"

The road to success in any project lies in simplicity, as exemplified by Witnet’s streamlined roadmap divided into phases from 0 to 4.

For more info:

October 31st to November 1st — Behind-the-scene Action.

While there were no updates on these days rest assured that the witnet team is working hard to bring you the latest developments.

November 2nd — An article on UTXO

A Witnet Super Advocate techydom wrote an article on UTXO to educate the community on it.

Read more:

November 3rd — behind-the-scene Action

While there were no updates on these days rest assured that the witnet team is working hard to bring you the latest developments.

November 4th — Witnets progress over the weeks

"Witnet’s Official, Parody_Bit, provided the Witnet Community with Updates on Witnet-Rust, Witwallet, and Developer Tool Kits – The Team’s Progress Is Evident!"

Check it out :

November 4th — “Breaking News on price”.

According to the news report on WitnetNews X account, the price of the $Wit token appears to be experiencing significant fluctuations.

For more info:

November 5th — behind-the-scene Action

While there were no updates on these days rest assured that the witnet team is working hard to bring you the latest developments.

Be on the lookout for more thrilling updates and groundbreaking innovations ahead. Until next week, Witnet Community, let’s continue pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable in the realm of decentralized oracles. We’re excited to have you on this journey of Web3 innovation!

Stay tuned for next week’s exciting updates.