Witnet Weekly Newsletter — October 9th to October 15th, 2023

Aghogho Odjada
3 min readOct 15, 2023


Witnet Weekly Recap: Unveiling the Witnet Advocate Program Season 3 Success and Beyond

Witnet Weekly Newsletter — October 9th to October 15th, 2023

Greetings, Witnet Community! Another exciting week has unfolded, filled with key updates and promising developments. From the conclusion of our Advocate Program Season 3 to groundbreaking innovations in cross-chain data requests, we’ve got all the highlights for you. Let’s dive right in.

October 9th — Turning the Page on Advocate Program Season 3

In an (X) Twitter announcement, we officially wrapped up Season 3 of the Witnet Advocate Program. This season has been a massive success, introducing a wave of new community members and expanding the reach of Witnet. We are grateful for the creativity and enthusiasm of our participants. Here’s a quick look at the numbers:

  • Total submissions: 651 (averaging 108 per week)
  • Approved submissions: 175 (averaging 29 per week)
  • Total $WIT paid out: 278,350 (averaging 46,391 per week)
  • Unique advocates: 185

Season 4 is just around the corner, and we can’t wait to see what it brings. Cheers to the vibrant Witnet Community!

Source: https://x.com/witnet_io/status/1711429634149978562?s=20

October 10th — Introducing Cross Chain Data Requests: A Game-Changer

We shared an exciting update on (X) Twitter about our latest development: Cross Chain Data Requests. This groundbreaking service empowers developers to fetch data from one blockchain and use it to execute smart contracts on another. Imagine the possibilities this opens up for innovation. Developers can create contracts based on transaction completion, address balances, and cost estimations. These data requests hold the key to a more interoperable world.


Source: https://x.com/witnet_io/status/1711723827258888440?s=20

Read more about these data requests here: https://medium.com/witnet/announcing-cross-chain-data-requests-a-new-format-for-truly-decentralized-oracles-d992f7d1a11e

October 10th — Your Questions on Proof of Stake

We invite every member of the Witnet Community to submit their questions about Proof of Stake via this Tally form. We’ll be answering these questions in an upcoming call later this month.

Source: https://x.com/witnet_io/status/1711784656863920239?s=20
Submit your questions here: https://tally.so/r/w47KQA

October 11th-12th — Behind-the-Scenes Action

While there were no updates on these days, rest assured that the Witnet team is hard at work, continuously striving to bring you the latest developments.

October 13th — Unlocking Cross-Chain Data Request Potential

A captivating (X) Twitter thread delved into the multitude of new use cases unlocked by Witnet’s Cross Chain Data Request capabilities. With this innovation, trust in a single point of failure becomes a thing of the past. For those dedicated to building truly permissionless, censorship-resistant, and interoperable cross-chain protocols, this thread is a must-read.

Explore the thread: https://x.com/witnet_io/status/1712810525577421247?s=20

October 14th — Happy Witnet Weekend

As the weekend approaches, we wish all Witnet enthusiasts a joyous and relaxing Witnet Weekend!

October 15th -Working Behind the Scenes

Today, no specific updates were recorded, but please know that we are constantly working behind the scenes to bring you the latest and greatest from the world of Witnet.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and innovations on the horizon. Until next week, Witnet Community, keep pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of decentralized oracles. Together, we’re building a brighter future.

With much anticipation,
Witnet Weekly Newsletter Team.

